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Sonntag, 22. November 2009
Thailand Ko Jam
If you want to escape the crowds, try Ko Jam (called also Ko Pu). On this small Island there is not much to do other than swim and sunbathe, and the focus here is on relaxation. When you get tired of reading and sunbathing then you can wander around the small fishing villages. Most locals are Muslims, so please respect their customs. You can reach this island on boats travelling between Krabi and Ko Lanta
Rubber trees being tapped for rubber sap.
Muslim Vegetable curry, and yellow is "supposed" to be mild :-)
Ich bin ein Mensch mit vielen unterschiedlichen Interessen. Hier sind nun ein paar Fotos von meinen Urlaubsreisen die ich wirklich genossen habe. Schaut einfach ein bisschen die Fotos durch...